How to create packs in Atomic Assets

5 min readMar 24, 2021


One of the most wanted features for collection owners is packs. Atomic Assets already has a contract for that: the atomicpacks smart contract.

Like most of the tools available today, it was very difficult to use because of the lack of a friendly user interface.

But that’s no longer the case! At NeftyBlocks we have created a user interface to help you release packs for your collection.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of creating a pack.

There are three important steps you have to take to create a pack.

  • Deposit WAX for RAM to the atomicpacksx contract
  • Initialise the pack
  • Define the contents of the pack
  • Finalise the pack

Let’s go through each of these steps one by one.

Step 1. Deposit RAM to the atomicpacksx contract

The easiest way to add RAM to the contract is by doing it directly from the NeftyBlocks interface.

Go to and login with your WAX account. You should see a list of the collections associated with the account you used to log in.

Select the collection for which you want to create the pack. You will be redirected the the manage collection area of the platform.

NeftyBlocks displays the RAM that you have available for Drops, Packs and Blends, as well as an estimation of the number of NFTs that can be minted with the RAM that you have available.

If this is the first time you are creating a pack, the available RAM will be zero. Press the plus button on the Packs RAM row, and add the amount of wax that you think you will need.

Sign the transaction and you are ready to continue.

Step 2. Initialise the pack

Press the PACKS button. You will be redirected to the Packs page, where you can see a list of the different packs you have created.

Press the NEW PACK button and you will be redirected to the Create pack form.

The purpose of this form is to initialise your pack.

When filling this form you can add a name and a description for your pack. Note that in the description can you can use markdown to style the text.

In the schedule, you will fill the date and time when the pack can be unpacked. Packs can not be opened before that date.

After filling the form, pressing the CREATE button, and signing the transaction your pack will exist. It will be an empty pack. But a pack nonetheless. You will be redirected to the Packs list again.

You will see that the pack you just created is now on the list, although it won’t have an image.

Step 3. Define the contents of the pack

Click on the pack you just created and you will be redirected to a form where you can define its content.

Defining the content of a pack is not as cryptic and obscure as it initially seems. The way the contract was created allows for a lot of flexibility.

The naming we use in the user interface differs a bit from the naming in the contract.

In the NeftyBlocks interface, we introduced the concept of slots. A slot is nothing more than a placeholder for an NFT in the pack. If you want your pack to contain 3NFTs you will have to add 3 slots.

When you press the ADD SLOT button you will see a popup that allows you to add outcomes.

An outcome is a template or a list of the templates that can be used to create the NFTs that will fill a slot and a weight that defines the odds of that template being used.

For example, if you want a slot to be filled with one of 3 NFTs and each NFT should have a 20%, 30%, and 50% odds of being used, you will end up with a configuration like the one shown in the image below:

You can add this as the first slot for the pack by pressing ADD and signing the transaction.

IMPORTANT: Currently the packs are minted on demand. Because of that, ONLY templates with UNLIMITED supply can be used. NeftyBlocks will ONLY show assets with UNLIMITED supply.

Let’s now add a second slot. For this one, we want to use two templates with a fifty-fifty chance of each being used. To achieve this, we only need one outcome. We can add two templates to the same outcome and state that the odds for each template to be used weigh 50. Note that we could have used any value for weight as we have two templates with the same weight in the outcome.

We will now add a third slot with two templates with 30% odds each and the third template with 40% odds. The configuration will look something like this:

If we want this pack to contain 3 NFTs, we are ready to finalise it.

Step 4. Finalising a pack

To finalise the pack, just press the FINALISE PACK button. You’ll see a popup asking you to select a schema and a template for the pack.

That template will be used to visualise your pack. You can say that it is the image of your pack.

You should now see the finalised pack on the packs’ list using the template we selected.

As you can see, creating a pack can be easy!

But what is the use of a pack without a place to open it?

Stay tuned. In the next article, I’ll show you how to open the pack you just created.

As always, don’t forget to join our Telegram group and give us as much feedback as you can!




Written by NeftyBlocks

Making tools to simplify managing collections on the WAX Blockchain.

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