Earn with Community Bounties!

2 min readJan 18, 2022

Click here to submit your entry.

Hey NeftyBlockers!

The NeftyBlocks ecosystem is flourishing. More and more creators and collectors are joining the community, and your enthusiasm for the NFT Creator brings great joy to everyone on the NeftyBlocks team! Surely, the value you are bringing to the community does not go unnoticed, and should be rewarded!

We are launching NeftyBlocks Community Bounties. In exchange for your efforts towards growing the NeftyBlocks ecosystem, you are rewarded with precious $WAXP, $NEFTY or unique NFTs!

Today, we are starting with

Community Bounty #1: Become a Creator!

Potential Rewards:

1st place — 400 USD worth of $NEFTY

2nd place — 250 USD worth of $NEFTY

3rd place — 100 USD worth of $NEFTY

Every participant will receive a collectible NFT badge! Collect all bounty NFT badges to participate in future activities.

What we are looking for:

On January 17th, we launched the NeftyBlocks NFT creator. We are looking for community created tutorials answering:

How to get started with NFTs on WAX?

You are free to use your creativity, but you could include:

  • Step-by-step instructions of the creation process
  • Your thought process,
  • Your NFT ideas and experiences,
  • What you liked and disliked about the creation process
  • Any other creative ideas you may have

As we are all NFT pioneers, we challenge you to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is new to the NFT space. How do we welcome them with open arms?


Show newcomers to the WAX blockchain how to get started as an NFT creator using exclusively the NeftyBlocks NFT Creator tools.


Video or Text (Course, Blog, Tutorial, other) to be posted on the social media of your liking.


Jan 18th — Jan 28th (10 days)

Submit your URL here before the deadline of Feb 28th, 4pm UTC:

Click here to submit your entry.

We look forward to your submissions and feedback!

*Note: Entry must have been created and published in the 10 days of the bounty period.

** To be considered for this bounty, you must submit your URL and WAX Wallet address through the Google Form. Please contact us through Discord if you have any questions about the bounty. Submit through the link below!




Making tools to simplify managing collections on the WAX Blockchain.